Tina had an amazing capacity for cultural learning and thoughtfulness. When I said I was moving to the Highlands of Scotland I quoted Burns: 'My heart's in the Highlands'. She knew it immediately and was able to say all verses, off the cuff.
I am a cat person, Tina liked animals generally but was not that fond of cats. I had lost one in 2018. The cat of my life. That cat's sister lived on with me until just before Christmas 2019. I phoned Tina, just a regular call, and said my second gorgeous girl cat had died. Two days later a parcel arrived. Inside there was a message: 'For Margaret for cuddles, not just at Christmas'. It was a penguin stuffed toy, wearing a red scarf and hat. She suggested a name:Picupa. (Those of our age will understand!) So I named him Picupa Pingoon of Scotland. Picupa for short.
He normally lives on my bedside table, facing my bed. Rather at the moment during the day, he sits on my chair arm, available to help me through these dark days, but is back in his usual place each night. Looking after me.
Tina lives on!
By Tina's sister Margaret xx